Our Values & Beliefs


Spirit Led - We walk in step with the Holy Spirit who guide’s and empowers our lives

Transformation - We pursue close relationship with Jesus to experience healing and continual growth.

Authenticity - We desire to create space for everyone to discover and embrace their God given identity.

Collaboration - We welcome everyone to find belonging & participate in bringing their unique gifting’s, ideas and perspectives to accomplish more than we could individually.

Outward Focus - We serve others as an expression of Christ love in and outside of the church.  We desire to live out the Gospel in our city, partnering with God in his relentless pursuit to make all things new.

  • We believe God is three persons in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful.

  • We believe that God is Holy (unique & powerful). Out of His Holiness, goodness was breathed into creation, bringing order to chaos. His Holiness is generous, making us in His image to share & co-rule with Him. His Holiness is both compassionate and just. He cares for individual yet fights for those in need while bringing destruction to the evil of this world.

  • We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who accurately represents the Father in every way.  Jesus was fully God, fully man & demonstrated the power of the kingdom (teaching, healing, miracles & release of demonic oppression) through a life surrendered to the Spirit. We believe Jesus was the redemptive work necessary for restoration from our fallen state of sin. His death, burial, and resurrection make those who choose Him as Lord resurrected sons and daughters of the Father and his co-heirs again. Jesus’ invitation today is still come follow me through life in the Spirit.

  • We believe in the Holy Spirit and that His gifts are for today, effective in tearing down the works of the enemy and establishing the peaceful rule and reign of God on earth. We believe in the transformative work of the Holy Spirit which is actively working before, during, and after salvation. He is present with and in followers of Christ, working in unison with the Word of God to guide them in all truth. He is the power that instructs, equips, revives, and empowers believers for Christ-like living, service, and mission.

  • We believe that the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation are authoritative over our lives and is trustworthy. We believe that the scriptures tell the us truth about God and the world.

  • We believe that the church is the bride of Christ and has been commissioned to see heaven invade earth, to testify to the hope of Jesus Christ's return, and to testify to the resurrection of the saints.

  • We believe that the gospel is simple good news and intended to be shared. God became a man and died for every sin and every shame so that we could see his Kingdom now and walk in step with him again. That it is good news for all people. The sacrifice of Jesus, when received, will produce a reconciliation that empowers the person with the same authority Jesus carried while on earth. We also believe that God does not force someone to love him but to those who choose him, they get to become co-heirs with his son Jesus, and no longer need to feel guilt or worry because Jesus sacrifice was enough to cover them completely for all of life, and into eternity. 

  • We believe that Jesus will return. We do not know when, but He will make the world new when He does. We believe that Hell is a real place and that because of free will, Hell is not a place where God sends anyone, but a place where people choose to go because they would rather have their identity based in something other than God forever. While the exact physical condition of Hell is debated, the primary characteristic of Hell is the absence of union with the presence of God.

    We believe Heaven is the space where God’s will is done completely. We believe Heaven is breaking into our world starting with Jesus and continuing through us. At the End of the Age heaven will completely and fully come down and the earth will be made new.

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